Valley of Vision – “God: The Everything in everything”

God: The Everything in everything
The Valley of Vision, “God The All” – Pg. 4 (my paraphrase)

Listen to the audio by clicking the play button below:
Christ You are My Everything – Valley of Vision, p.4

O God whose conquers Everything,
There is no comfort in anything,
apart from the enjoyment I find in You,
and being engaged in serving You;

You are Everything in everything,
and all my pleasures are pleasures,
only as you make them so – no less, no more
In every way, I wish to be pleased with Your will,
no matter what it is, or ever should, or ever more will be

If You call me to decide for myself in any anything
I pray to refer to You in everything,
for You are wise and cannot sin or err,
as I am always prone to do
So may everything that belongs to me,
fully belong instead to You – My Everything in everything
Christ, You are my Everything

I rejoice to think that everything is at Your disposal,
and it is my delight to leave everything in Your hands
Then my prayers of lament turn to Holy praise,
and I adore and bless Your Holy Name – Christ, in everything You are my Everything

What shall I give You for all Your bounty?
I am bewildered in Your presence, not knowing what to do;
I long to give You something back, but I have nothing in my hands to bring,
I can only rejoice and sing that in Everything, You take care of everything
No one in heaven or earth can share this Honor;
Of myself, I can’t do anything to glorify Your blessed Name,
Yet, through Your grace in everything,
I cheerfully surrender my body, my soul, my very life to You

I know You are the Author and Finisher of my faith,
that the whole work of redemption is Yours, and Yours alone,
that every good work or thought that’s found in me
is the sole result of Your power and grace,
that Your sole motive in working in me
Is to will and to work for Your good pleasure,
So I might see Your glorious Face – in everything, My Everything,
Christ, you are my Everything

O God, it is amazing that men boast so loud
about our human power and love,
when, if You did but hold back Your grace for one moment,
we would raging devils be, defiling and destroying everything we see
This You taught me through bitter pain,
That without Your mercy, satanic darkness, reigns in me

So, guard me from myself O Christ.
And save me from my wretchedness,
So that in Your glorious righteousness,
You might be my Everything in everything,
O Christ, You are my Everything

2 thoughts on “Valley of Vision – “God: The Everything in everything”

  1. TM,

    Your musings make me, again, reflect on our recent conversation and circle my wagon around to 1 Peter 4:10-11 that we discussed in part. I am a big fan of the moment, i.e, when a particular verse or thought or book is delightfully introduced by the Lord, right on time. Therefore, I am in a zone, spiritual antenna up for anything furthering the one sided grace of God towards me/us. However, (and this is where your lines may me think of 1 Peter)I am very grateful that God does, indeed ‘use’ us. Your line, “But I have nothing in my hands to bring” causes me to say, “Wait, you bring yourself, and in his grace, he’ll use you.” And of course, you beautifully answer several lines later, “Yet, through your grace in everything,I cheerfully surrender my body, my soul, my very life to you.” Peter writes, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others. Faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” There is freedom in knowing God has made us all so different and will use us by his grace for his glory, and that is freeing.

    Continue your work.



  2. My husband, Jonathan (Jeff Vogan’s brother!) and I love, love the Valley of Vision prayer book. It’s one of our favorites! We look forward to meeting you some time when we are down in FL visiting Jeff and Debbie. He is very excited that God has lead you to Willow Creek! It sounds like you two have a lot in common.


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