Black Liberation, White Supremacy, or Gospel Reconciliation?

opposites-5256bcda9e631_hiresIf you are like me, you are concerned about the current issues of racial, cultural, and economic conflict that is disrupting our country and deeply dividing the body of Christ.  If you are like me, you are grieved.  That’s the best word for it. I am grieved. I am grieved over the anger.  I am grieved over the violence.

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Recovering the Heart of Dr. King

Dr. KingIn the face of recent events in our nation, I find that my heart is deeply grieved today.  In the last six months, we have witnessed one the nastiest political campaigns in our nation’s history.  During this campaign we heard the worst insults imaginable.  Last month, we witnessed a brutal attack by a radicalized Muslim on the LGBT community Continue reading