Wishes and Dreams – a poem by Tim Melton

Have you ever thought about the words to the Walt Disney theme song?  ‘When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are.  When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true.’  I believe that those who trust in Jesus have set their faith in a dream that will come true.  When we, with tiny ‘mustard seed’ faith, set our hope in Christ, we will continually be amazed at the overwhelming response of our God.  In the end, I don’t believe that wishes start with us at all.  Even faith is a gift that comes from God.  It is God’s faith/wish that germinates in our hearts, at first a small seed that, almost without our knowing it, slowly grows into a huge tree of life, reminding us that there is something more.    When Christ takes residence in our lives, His work is so subtle, yet it is forceful.  He plants Himself in the middle of our barren lives, and over and over, almost out of nowhere, when all hope seems lost, He proclaims that our faith/wish in Him has not been in vain.  He is with us!  Saving us from sin.  Plucking us from despair.  Cheering our hearts.  Filling us with love.  And the power of this inviolable faith/wish endures – filling us with hope, encouraging us to keep trusting in Christ, knowing that He will rescue us again and again until we finally behold Him face to face.  This grand moment – when our faith becomes sight – is a wish that will one day be gloriously realized…

and so, we never stop dreaming.