Kidney Stone(s) Update – Tim Melton

A ball and a book. Somehow, it works.


Many of you have been asking about where I am in regard to my kidney stone.  Well, today I found out that I do not have a kidney stone…I have three.  One of the stones is in my kidney and two are in my bladder.  I have been in incredible pain – almost every night I wake up and writhe around trying to get relief.  Martha Jo has been great.  Besides my pain medication, one way that I have found to get relief is by lying down on the ground, face down, taking a medium sized rubber ball and placing it on my back, and then getting Martha Jo to take a book, place it on top of the ball, and press down into my kidneys as hard as she can.  For some reason, though it is painful to do this, the “acute” pain of the kidney stone is somehow disseminated into a wider area.  Martha Jo will roll the ball around, pressing down on the book, for about 40 minutes until the pain becomes manageable. Continue reading